
Tiki Extended Security Maintenance

Tiki has a time-based, "Release early, Release often" approach with Long Term Support (LTS) versions, to balance the needs of stability and innovation. The Long Term Support (LTS) versions are supported for 5 years by the community. This satisfies the needs of most projects.

However, some projects need longer support periods. These are typically enterprise projects. And thus, EvoluData offers professional enterprise support for up to 10 years. EvoluData can also help with upgrading your Tiki instances (even if heavily modified). Please contact us to discuss.

Version 1st release End of community support End of professional support
Tiki 24.x LTS 2022-03 2027-03 (5 years) 2032-03 (10 years)
Tiki 21.x LTS 2020-03 2025-03 (5 years) 2030-03 (10 years)
Tiki 18.x LTS 2018-01 2023-01 (5 years) 2028-01 (10 years)
Tiki 15.x LTS 2016-04 2021-04 (5 years) 2026-04 (10 years)
Tiki 12.x LTS 2013-11 2018-11 (5 years) 2023-11 (10 years)
Tiki 9.x LTS 2012-06 2015-11 (3.5 years) 2022-06 (10 years) (we can still help you if you contact us)
Tiki 6.x LTS 2010-11 2014-05 (3.5 years) 2020-11 (10 years) (we can still help you if you contact us)
Tiki 3.x LTS 2009-05 2011-05 (2 years) 2019-05 (10 years) (we can still help you if you contact us)

You have another version? We can help. Just contact us

Do you support all the plugins and modifications?


Tiki smartly avoids 3rd party plugins: http://pluginproblems.com/Modules-Extensions

As for your modifications, we will analyze them, and support them.