
Machine learning et Big Data

Machine learning has been added to Tiki23 as a built-in (but optional) feature, using the Rubix ML library, which provides more than 40 supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. Therefore, you will be able to build Machine Learning (ML) models from Tiki itself, train on data stored in trackers and query models. As far we know, Tiki is the first Open Source PHP Web Application with built-in Machine l=Learning capabilities.

We can help you !

At EvoluData, we have Big Data & Machine Learning scientists and engineers who can actively contribute to the success of your AI projects. We can support you in all steps of your AI project and advise you about best practices and available technologies. Contact-us for more information about our Artificial Intelligence services!

What is Rubix ML ?

Rubix ML is a high-level machine learning and deep learning library for the PHP language that includes implementations of several machine learning algorithms, so you can define a model object in a single line or a few lines of code, then use it to fit a set of points or predict a value. It is Open Source and free to use commercially.

The library provides tools for the entire machine learning life cycle from ETL (extracting, transforming, loading, manipulating and summarising data) to training, cross-validation, and production with over 40 supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. A number of algorithms in the library support Deep Learning including the Multilayer Perceptron classifier and MLP Regressor.

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Get in touch with EvoluData to find out how we can help you
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